Monthly Archives: July 2013

Praise for book at British Library, 16 July 2013

Launch of Crime book at the British Library 16th July

This book is a classic
Lord Taverne, ex-Home Office minister

This book is simply brilliant. It is a classic, a book in the same mould as The Selfish Gene. Scrupulously researched with a passion that evidence should trump political correctness, whatever the cost. It is simply the most important book on crime I have ever seen. It should be on every home secretary’s desk.

It should be in every airport bookshop
Prof Richard Wortley, UCL

This is a book I wish I had written, except it is much better than anything I could have produced. This is an academic book. It just doesn’t read like one. And that is where its brilliance lies. ‘Crime’ is written in the best traditions of the popular science genre. It should be in every airport bookshop.

It attacks some of the sacred cows of both the left and the right. As you will all be too well aware, Nick Ross has paid the price for this in the media. It seems pretty clear to me that much of the reporting comprised willful and scurrilous misinterpretation of what he actually said. And I am afraid to say there were too many commentators from the chattering classes willing to jump on the bandwagon without ever going to the bother of actually reading the book. Their herd-like behaviour was shameful. They betrayed the fundamental principle of informed and reasoned debate.

Puts many full-time academics to shame
Prof Ken Pease, Loughborough, UCL

Ross is a seriously classy and talented bloke. And brave. He brings the naiveté of a little boy who noticed that the Emperor was naked. He thinks people should be able to have grown-up debates about anything. I winced at sensible but controversial passages as he explores arguments that you aren’t supposed to. What happened to him during serialisation was the sad consequence of that. It was a twitchhunt.

So what does the book provide? I can tell you that:

  • It was researched with a thoroughness that puts many full-time academics to shame.
  • It makes challenging things highly accessible, with a journalist’s skill and a scholar’s rigour.
  • It is a perspective on crime that makes sense.

In short this is a book by a man who wants to change things for the better. In establishing the Jill Dando Institute he has already done that. In writing this book he has done more.

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US reviews

No other book comes close
By Prof Ron Clarke, Professor of Criminology, Rutgers University

A major achievement by any standard, extremely well-researched, comprehensive, accessible and beautifully written.

Fascinating and Informative
By A. Winkless

While the author is writing from a British perspective, many of the lessons are universal. The most interesting part of the book is the suggestion, backed by past examples such as measures against shoplifting and car theft, of using engineering, city planning, and other disciplines to make crimes more difficult and less rewarding. Definitely worth reading if you have an interest in crime policy.

This is an intelligent look at crime and it’s solutions (or lack of them)
By eris

Nick Ross is an expert for many years on crime in the UK. Obviously there are going to be some differences between UK crime and the US but more similarities. And he makes a common point in numerous instances that all over the globe crime statistics are massaged and manipulated to fit preconceived agendas both liberal and conservative. His in-depth knowledge of the law and many years of experience serving on committees and panels as well as reporting crime makes his arguments interesting. I did not agree with all of his conclusions all the way but found his arguments compelling.


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Reviews on Amazon

5.0 out of 5 stars Thoughtful, thought provoking – read the book not the papers
By NorfolkBooks “Norfolk Reviewer”

Nick Ross sets out his position from the outset. This is a polemic – a strongly put argument that much of our understanding of crime and punishment is misguided. And although there are points of detail one could argue about for the most part he’s right. He’s adopted an interesting approach to the evidence upon which he bases his arguments, relegating it to an accompanying website. But the crucial point is that he does cite a lot of academic research in support of his various arguments.

He does run the risk of diluting some of his points by the welter of statistics which he uses in the book (simply because you then have to go to the website to check the source of his stats and then consider whether you agree with his interpretation of the stats and after a while this becomes a bit tedious).

Perhaps the most amusing part of the book is the chapter on the way the media consistently misrepresent crime which they then proceeded, with a wholly predictable inevitability, to do to the book. The focus on the chapter on sex offences was predictable as was their request to critics to denounce the suggestion that some rapes are more serious than others. Try reading the book and you will see that Mr Ross has a clear concern for victims and at no point condones sexual offenders, but that does not stop him from questioning some of the views routinely offered on the issue. Sadly the British media love to polarise such issues, which simply inhibits mature, reasoned debate. So simply take them out of the equation and read the book and consider it for yourself.

5.0 out of 5 stars  Ross on crime
By Lord Taverne

One of the most important comments on our social problems that I have read. Nick Ross ruthlessly exposes numerous myths about crime that seem to be accepted by many civil servants, MPs, journalists, social workers, judges, the public at large and most important of all, the Home Office. It is a stimulating read, an essential one for anyone concerned to see policy based on evidence rather than prejudice.

5.0 out of 5 stars The media response proves the point
By Eleanor Burnham

I don’t usually write reviews but the media hysteria about this particular book prompted me to respond. I have read the book, which seems to be more than many of the journalists and other commentators. Ross’s views are radical and innovative; the book is both readable and well researched. And I think it is right. The public understanding of crime, much of it heavily influenced by its media representation, is not reflected in the reality of the phenomenon. As a consequence we end up with too many people in prison and too many victims. Contrary to many of the accusations in the media, Ross’s sympathy with the victims of crime, and for that matter many of the offenders, comes across throughout. I hope more people, particularly the politicians and decision makers, will find the time to read this book. It is an easy read presenting a difficult message.

5.0 out of 5 stars  Front To Back In A Day!,
By RGS Yorkshire

This is a very, very good book.
Sometimes, when an issue becomes a matter of academic, public and political discourse, the actual issue disappears into a mist of half-truths and deliberate misrepresentation. Such is the case with crime.
Nick Ross, in this excellent book, blows away the mist and exposes the truth using relevant evidence.
His solution is teasingly simple.
A really absorbing, thoroughly enjoyable and thought-provoking book. Highly recommended.

5.0 out of 5 stars Honest, so reviled

By aniwright

Nick Ross has written a fine, honest and useful book. Its serialisation in the Mail on Sunday has evoked a storm of criticism of what he is presumed to have written, but hasn’t. It seems that only a few questions about crime are allowable and any more nuanced depiction is reduced to a position on the formulaic question. Thus, for example, any discussion of rape has to be reduced to the question of whether ‘No means no’. Of course it does. Nothing in the book remotely suggests otherwise, but Ross is castigated as though this were the issue he addresses. Any reasonable person reading the book alongside the media feeding frenzy will end up feeling very sorry for its author.

5.0 out of 5 stars The best book on crime that I have read
By Larry V

I found the book inspirational. So many dead ends and failed policy’s on dealing with crime and now a book that shines a light on how to go forward, undo the negative approaches we have been following and actually make a difference.

Brilliantly written and researched,controversial at times, but at last an honest book on the causes of crime and how to deal with it.

As a magistrate for ten years, seeing the same people committing the same crimes on the carousel of criminal injustice, I wish that every home secretary was forced to read this book from cover to cover.

Highly recommended

See many more reviews on Amazon at

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